
Showing posts from January, 2023

Web3 Use Cases and Benefits

  What is Web3? Web3 refers to the third generation of the World Wide Web, which emphasizes the use of decentralized technologies such as blockchain and smart contracts to create a more decentralized and autonomous internet.  Unlike Web2, which is centered around centralized platforms and services, Web3 aims to give users more control over their data and interactions online. This includes things like peer-to-peer transactions, decentralized apps (dApps), and the use of cryptocurrencies. What are the benefits of Web3? Web3, also known as Web 3.0 , is the next evolution of the internet that aims to make the internet more decentralized, open, and secure. The benefits of Web3 include: Decentralization: Web3 is built on decentralized technologies such as blockchain, which means that data and information are stored on a distributed network rather than on centralized servers. This makes the internet more resistant to censorship and control by a single entity. Security: Decentralization als

Metaverse- Potential for Business and Relevance to Society

  What is Metaverse and Where it’s going? Metaverse, since the term, refers to a digital universe, but within the metaverse, there are countless worlds popping into existence by companies like Sandbox, Epic Games, and Decentraland, which means each company or person may have a different view to the metaverse and the capabilities once inside their world.    Despite too much confusion, one thing’s for sure; it will provide a unique internet experience that merges new technologies such as AR, VR, and MR to create an immersive experience.  The metaverse will allow our physical and digital lives to twine together, allowing users to feel present and use expressions with avatars.   The notion of copyright leads us to another important aspect. We are currently observing a type of ownership developing in the virtual sphere. This contradicts the usual understanding of digitality as a material with the potential for infinite duplication. However, facilitated by non-fungible tokens (NF